matrix n. (pl. matrices 或matrixes) 1.【解剖学】子宫;母体;发源地,策源地,摇篮;【生物学】衬质细胞;间质;基质;母质。 2. 【矿物】母岩;脉石;【冶金】基体;【地质学;地理学】脉石;填质;杂矿石。 3. 【印刷】字模;型版,纸型;铸型,阴模。 4.【阵】(矩)阵,方阵;母式;【物理学】间架;【无线电】矩阵变换电路。 5.【染】原色〔红黄蓝白黑五种〕。 the matrix of a nail 【解剖学】指甲床。
The book is self-contained, with appendices included on elementary matrix and laplace transforms . 本书自成体系,并有初等阵论及拉普拉斯变换的附录。
The brief proof is given for " row elementary operations keep the linear relationship of column vectors of matrix " , by using multiplication of partitioned matrix and the relation between elementary matrix and elementary operation 摘要利用初等矩阵与初等变换的对应关系及分块矩阵的乘法,给出“矩阵的行初等变换不改变其列向量组的线性关系”的一个简易证明。
In mathematics, an elementary matrix is a matrix which differs from the identity matrix by one single elementary row operation. The elementary matrices generate the general linear group of invertible matrices.